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Heading To Otaru (Day 3)

Waking up early on a Sunday morning was not such an ideal case but the sun... has been shining on my face ever since 4:30am. What I noticed was the sun rises at 4am and sets around 7pm (after reading the newspaper). Now... who says summer are not drawing close? Anyway, a long day ahead for me so I had to wake up, drag my lazy self out of bed. After washing up and packed my trusty camera along with dad's camera in the little bagpack, we head down to the cafe to have our breakfast.

I wouldn't have expected there's a long queue waiting for us once we reach the cafe. So I went on ahead to take a look what was served for breakfast that morning.

Now there's authentic English/American breakfast where you get breads, cold cuts, meats, eggs, cereals, juices and milk.

There's also authentic Japanese breakfast where you can see this guy sitting there, making grilled Mackerel fish, potatoes, carrots and of course Miso Soup.

Even breakfast is such a hard task for there's so many choices for me to choose from. This is my plate of breakfast. The cinammon roll doesn't taste nice but for the rest... it was good.

We had to take a train to Sapporo station again to catch the Otaru bound train from there. On the day before I left Sapporo, I eventually found out that you can catch Otaru bound trains from Shin-Sapporo itself. How silly of us.

The view of the Sapporo surroundings from the train. It doesn't offer much as the scenery looks gloomy and brownish. The tree greens are yet to sprout as the weather are still too cold for comfort.

As we reach the Sapporo station where all trains are concentrated here, we tried to look up to the best train that takes us quickly to Otaru... and there's one at 11:14am and it was the rapid train. Thank goodness! However, when we reach the station, it was only 10:45am so we have to wait a while.

A few higlights of the train station before we eventually hopped onto the train. The train left right on schedule. No delays for us today.

To be honest, I felt really welcomed to Japan especially in Sapporo when I saw this poster. It looks extremely exquisite where the poster really reflects how this place really blends well with the nature.

From Sapporo, it takes about an hour to reach Otaru. Although the distance is quite near, sometimes trains are quite unpredictable. Along the way, we've passed through cities, farms and oceans. The view of the sea are rather beautiful. Otaru faces North to the Sea of Okhotsk where the waters here are cold all year long.

Some fishermen will walk around the shores looking for clams, oysters, scallops, etc. You don't really to breed these things when there's an ocean full of it... all open for your picking.

Otaru's train station looked authentic, just like where history meets the future. If you happened to stop by Otaru at night, I think it should be scary... with all the oil-lamps and dim lights. It may looked romantic for some, for me... it looks eerie. My mind wanders too far off now.

The last picture for this post. Here I am... finally reached Otaru somewhere around 12pm. On the next post, I'll try to blog on the things that I've seen and done in Otaru. I'll try get it up as soon as possible. :-)


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