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Goodbye Woodstock

Another day in the office. I have to put notes on my trusty diary on what needs to be done at work on Friday's because there's just so much to complete before the day ends. There's meetings, software findings, timesheet to fill, reports to submit... Oh... the agony of Fridays!! Some love them, some hate them (I am one of them). Friday's have never made a good impression for me, either more troubles lurkes by before 5pm or bad news about the upcoming week's work arrives.

Today is Woodstock a.k.a Liang Hwei; last day reporting to work. Her last day arrives in a blink of the eye. A month ago, my manager openly announces in the meeting that a few of the contractors will have to go as a part of the global retrenchment process. There's an uproar in the meeting... I guess no one wants to lose their job right? The damages has been done and from the group, a total of 5 that's getting the axe. The rest I have no point of telling who they are, but for Liang Hwei, she joined the team for barely a month, and she got the axe, the cruelty of the company has passed down on her. Her boyfriend, Kim Seong, who happened to be working with us on the same team has been extremely worried for her after the announcement. He has been trying hard to get her a new job over the past month and finally, she found a job.

To Woodstock, all the best on your upcoming job. You have been a great addition to the team, forget we shall not. May your crave for knowledge continues on with you to the new organization. May we cross paths again in the near future. (You may visit Woodstock's blog which has been posted on the blog's that I read).

Weather Change

A month ago, this island has been stinking hot and humid. I remember what once my grandfather used to tell me... "During Chinese New Year, the course of 15 days, rain will never come down". True! Not one single rain. Not even one. I might have been at the wrong place at the wrong time, but I never see rain at all during this Chinese New Year. Weather has changed... rain has been constantly coming down a lot for the past few days. I've even gotten myself stranded in the traffic by escaping from work earlier so that I could get home before the rain eventually came down pouring. I was wrong!

There I was... stranded in traffic, staring blankly into the sky as the dark clouds closes in on us. Then it came down hard! Imagine what a minute of rain itself can do? There's enough water on the road to divert traffic from the right lane to the left because its flooded. The power of the monsoon rain...

May New Things Comes To Life

This shall be the 3rd blog that superseeds from all of my previous blogs that I have made. Should this be the last of the blogs which I will be making? (I hope so...) I don't really have fans like other bloggers do, where hordes of people would read it daily just like the newspapers. I guess moving here and there probably might adjust my own flavours of getting things finally right?

From this day onwards I will be putting effort either on this blog or my other blog collabrated with my dear. I know a few fellow bloggers that might be able to help me to put a link on their blog site, at least to get myself known to the rest of other bloggies out there. Surely it will definitely help to increase chances of getting a few fans stopping by daily too? Who knows?!

For those who never knew me, here's a brief introduction of myself. My name is Jason Yan, born and raised on the tiny but modern island of Penang, Malaysia. I've been blogging when I step foot off from University and has been keen to make an impact to others by blogging my daily stuffs out. Those who already knew me will be thinking "Why Jason? Why another blog???" Oh! I've my reasons... and it's those darn long ones too. Anyway, welcome to my blog and happy reading. Keep the comments coming if possible... it will definitely encourage me to write more of what you wishes to read.