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It's My Birthday

I turned 27 yesterday. Hip Hip Hooray! A year older and my hair grows a few more grey ones. Sucks! I am getting old obviously. **grin** I even have a few wrinkle lines... **double the grin**

And this is what I get for my Birthday...

An Ice Cream Cake from Baskin Robbins... courtesy of Cindy Chow and my mom. They picked a Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Cake for this ocassion.

One close up shot of the cake with unlit candle before it's being torched!

And this is the one with the candle lit.

A birthday song, a big wish on the cake, the big blow off on the candle and wa lah! Time to eat the cake! A BIG SLICE FOR THE BIRTHDAY BOY of course! Nothing interesting actually happened on my birthday this year. Just another ordinary one, where I think it grows even more boring than the last one. How I wish I can have my birthday at Mcdonalds, just like those kids use to have? I just would like to thank my dearest for being there for me for my birthday this year though. It has been a tough year growing up to be someone.


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