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The Runaway Loser

For the sake of privacy, no names will be revealed for this posting. The main reason for this post is to get some feedback from my dear readers how should my friend have acted. A friend of mine, came to me crying on one of the days a few weeks ago saying that her future to be husband were straying off. "It's the Pre-Marriage Stress" her future husband claims it. He wants to postpone the registration date to another date because "Oh! It's the chinese calendar lunar 7th month" when he's a bloody christian; "I'm just having this registration jitters and what will happen in the future" when he has already proposed more than 3 months ago and finally got caught red handed with later admitting he was seeing another outside. Fuck! Why would he do such a thing in the first place after being in a healthy relationship with my friend for the past 3 years?

So does that mean every man whose going to get married should at least stray before settling down? I am annoyed and pissed. VERY! It's like rubbing insults on men and gave a bad impression for the rest when that coward decides to bail out on his proposal to my friend while he's happily fooling outside until he decides to try to runaway. Not all of us men are such schemers and pathetic cowards. Mark my words. The only thing that he made look bad is himself and his own parents who raised him if he does bail himself out of the entire relationship.

Some say marriage is a bliss and relationships are just the tip of the ice berg. Then why not immediately get married as soon as you start a relationship so that you can cover the entire ice berg? If you are not ready for marriage, don't do it. Don't propose. Why men will be so willing to say "YES! I will propose now!" when they think they are ready whereas they are not physically and mentally aren't? A boy who acts like a man will look utterly stupid and pathetic if you don't hold up to the words you tell your partner. You don't call yourself a man, you call yourself a fucked up loser. What I know about marriage is about love and commitment to your partner, don't just talk abour marriage and then go screw with another woman outside.

What I would like to do to him is to pummel him if I could whether my friend likes it or not. Beating him up is for the sake of many men not for my friend, and if I don't do it, others would too. There are plenty of men out there who are not in a relationship and for him to play a leg on 2 different boats is just like playing with fire. I hope my friend will eventually understand, examine all corners if possible before deciding to even marry this guy to be her future husband.


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