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World Cup 2010 - South Africa

I've been doing lots of reading in a few blogs lately and certainly there has been posts regarding the World Cup 2010 in South Africa. Football has been like a staple of life... well... for most men. If men don't watch football, I wonder what sort of life do they eventually lead? The time has come, men rejoice!

The World Cup is back... finally!!! There will be mix feelings for the event of the year. Football is going to be like the Superbowl in the United States, men will be so eager to watch this and there's a heavy price to pay because men tends to neglect their partners during this time of the year. Women has a fair share of neglection towards men too during the World Cup. Trust me! There's enough women fans around that can just squash men's scream when a goal is being delivered.

In the early stages of the football fever, many will put in their expectations of their favourite team. Old lads will go for England because they only watch the English Premier League, youngsters will go for a variety of teams from Brazil to Spain as it's the trend, some supports Italy because they were the World champions from the last World Cup... and some of the locals made a joke out of it by saying they wanted to see Malaysia win in the World Cup. WTF!?? I wonder if they knew if Malaysia ever enjoyed any World Cup glory before? People who doesn't know a thing about football gets to learn one this time of the year. Reason being? Everyone talks about it. If you don't get a clue, you'll be left out!

Some will say whichever team gives them the most winning money... ahhh!! Football betting. Never the less, you will see lots of people shouting here and there about who they wanna buy for tonight's clash and some got overly obsessed that they will start to dig from the internet, books and newspaper to ensure they picked the 100% sure win team. Local newspaper writes about the local authorities trying to put an end on the illegal football bettings that's widespread for the big event and seems to me that they are doing a poor job to it. I can still see people buying football bets every single day.

Football is life for many Malaysians. Everywhere you go, people will talk about it. Even my girlfriend who doesn't even watch football would spend a few minutes to watch the match highlights that's being shown on TV with me once in a while. You will see mamak stalls filled with die hard football fans that doesn't have satellite TV at home, bars and pubs thronged with people because some think that football and booze gives a better feel, office gossips is about the best goals to the worse blunder a player made and the best part, you will see people falling asleep at work because they stayed up to catch the 2:30am matches.

Stock up the booze and snacks. Start to cheer as the World Cup is here. I am an England supporter. What about you?


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