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What's The Big Deal?

What's the big deal with Manchester United coming to Malaysia to kick our local boys butt?

What's the big deal if they just sold Cristiano Ronaldo for 80 million pounds?

What's the big deal if United cancelled their trip to Indonesia because of a few terrorist bombs?

What's the big deal if United just whipped Malaysia XI 3-2 and again 2-0?

That still doesn't make a me a Man United fan! I know this post will certainly make a lot of United fans to come back and hit me with a freaking sledgehammer. It doesn't matter because I am a Kop fan. Everyone bit at each other's head when it comes down to football. It's been a trend that Malaysians obviously love Man United and I can't deny that everyone are going crazy for the 08-09 champion. Even our current PM is a big United fan, is that big enough?

For the past few days, all I could see on the news is Manchester United, Manchester United and more Manchester United! The funniest news I've read that relates back to a Man United fan is that a husband were stabbed by the wife for coming home late after Man Utd match here in Kuala Lumpur. News was posted yesterday on several newspaper websites where it came to light on The Star Newspaper and then it went international. Serves him right. Sometimes there are certain things that's more important than watching 22 guys chasing after a single ball. Obviously the wife is oblivious with him for staying out so late when the match was over by 6pm and the guy only got home at 2am. Perhaps the guy went golfing with Man United players after the match. Haha!

Somehow I've been snubbing Man United too much for today. I think I need a break from football until Premier League season starts in mid August. Now that's something that I am looking forward to. In the end, what's the big deal over the devils visit to Malaysia that requires them to be on the news and being posted on every single newspaper sport headlines? They should not be put on a pedestal. There's not even a single review on how well our Malaysian boys played and the credits were only given to the foreign team that came.


(T) (H) (B) said...

Everyone loves a winner. Fair weathered bunch. I love my Arsenal.

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