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Those Hazy Days... *Cough*

It's those days again. It's happening just too freaking often and it's never a miss that our neighbour chooses to do it on the driest days of the season to perform something that they think no country can do a shit about it... Open Burning. I think no one can say anything to them because either they are as dumb as they look or they just being as daft as a brush. Waking up in a hazy morning only means a few things, bad air, bad health, bad environment and a tonne of dust to wipe off when weekend comes. Oh crap!

From Sumatra, monsoon winds blew the smoke eastward and hence creating negative environmental effects on other Southeast Asia nations (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Brunei). Thick haze covered much of Southeast Asia for weeks and caused noticeable and widespread human health problems. In order to curb these pollution/haze, the ASEAN organization which consists of 10 countries made up the Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution which was signed in 2002 between all ASEAN nations to reduce haze pollution in Southeast Asia.

All countries signed, except for Indonesia and it's been bloody 7 years now, Indonesia was "dragging its feet" upon the matter. It's just like the Kyoto Protocol whereby the Americans did not say "Yes" because they are the main culprits behind all the environmental issues, just like the Indonesians, for staining the air these days here in Malaysia. Most foreign experts think that the government of Indonesia does not consider this a serious problem; well the only f*ck that those guys ever care about was how to get its 250 million people to survive their never ending domestic issues.

Indonesia has outlawed using fire for land clearance but the laws are widely flouted in remote areas of the country and the government seems helpless to control the situation. Thanks to the bunch Indonesian bastards that doesn't help to curb their own kind from open burning and to rub salt into the condition, I'm starting to think that those f*cks are promoting more open burning during these dry seasons.

I hope those Indonesians will choke on their own smoke for once and see how much we have been taking up to their bullshit haze for the past decade; or perhaps those Tsunami's can just wash up those bastards away for I don't see the reason why they should be spared for their mistreatment to others in the first place. We are humans too and why do we have the heartfelt compassion for them when they are in trouble while they are not doing anything for us in return? Love our neighbours? Literary, I don't give a f*ck about them as they gave us abundance of problem more than my daily "PMS-ing" colleague.


Unknown said... i can see why you get so frustrated sometimes, you have "PMS-ing" you said, we too are humans...spare them a day or 2, u island boy!

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