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Dad's 54th Birthday

This post was intended a week back as Dad celebrated his 54th Birthday on 11th October (Sunday) at the Penang Chinese Recreational Club (CRC) chinese restaurant. He requested his birthday to be done in Chinese style rather than Western. I guess he has grown tired of eating food outside his style for quite a while, so we granted his birthday wish.

A sneak peek into the birthday cake while awaiting for the dishes to arrive.

For those who can't read chinese, this may not help much to understand what's being served for dinner. Only my dear and Cindy could read this for that night.

A little pose from mom and dad.

Now this little poser tries his new camera...

Only turns out that he's more of a colour wolf. Haha!

The very first dish, the chinese peach-liked-buns filled with custard.

Well... it's rather hot okay?

Second dish served will be the sharks fin mixed with scallops.

Little Marcus enjoys his meals too... He calls it the "I Want More Sharks Fin!!!" look.

The third dish will be abalone served with sea cucumber and fish maw.

That's the birthday boy carving up his abalone...

That's my sister (Beatrice) and my brother-in-law (Yu Wei) making conversation with Cindy and my dear.

Little Marcus was throwing his usual temper as he has been a naughty boy throughout the night. Mom yelled at him and he quickly turned sour, with a facial expression with an attitude. I managed to grabbed a quick shot and let everyone in the family to take a look. Dad was impressed and he mentions that this "Marcus will let this photo haunt him when he grows up." I guess it will be... thanks to his little cheeky uncle.

The fourth dish will be roasted suckling pig.

Now this is what you need to really enjoy a suckling pig... a plain dumpling, a little spring onion and of course sucking pig skin dashed with oyster sauce.

What was left of the suckling pig were then chopped to little pieces and then deep fried.

The fifth dish will be the Mantis Prawns cooked in salt and spices.

Noodles were the last of the dishes served for the night before moving to the desserts.

Dad receives his birthday present from little Marcus before the cake cutting ceremony...

... and of course from my little brother and myself!

My picture was taken by Wendy as I prepped up the cake for the birthday boy.

The birthday cake are ready and lit up for the birthday boy.

Seems like the birthday boy really enjoyed his birthday as everyone sings the joyful birthday song.

And of course, he huffs, and he puffs and he blew all the candles out...

Dad wants mom to have a fair share of his joy so he pulled her in to cut the cake together with him.

A family photo for the night for the occassion. From left standing; Alan, Joey, Wendy, Yu Wei, Marcus, Beatrice, Cindy, Eunice and myself. With dad and mom seated in front.

Birthday boy receives a massage from my little brother while he awaits for his slice of birthday cake to be served.

Dad slowly devours the presents that was given.

The last of meal for the night, a slice of the birthday cake and some chinese dumplings filled with black sesame in ginger soup.

Cindy enjoys her desserts.

And to top it off, the couple pictures for the night.

Before the night ends, Marcus gave a very huge birthday kiss for dad to congratulate him for his 54th Birthday. Happy Birthday 54th Birthday dad! Hope you had an enjoyable dinner with us. May you be blessed with many years of return.


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