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Our 2nd Anniversary

It's me and my dear's 2nd year anniversary. I ponder and wonder how much we've been through for the past years and for us to be together all this time its truly a blessing. Honestly, its a challenge that keeps coming at us to face daily, with so much pressures from family, friends and work. Throughout the years, we faced the challenges of having arguments with each other, trying to tolerate with each other's misbehaviour and of course trying to have a good long conversations to solve all the tensions that has strained the relationship... and it seemed to have paid off as the relationship matures through all the rough moments of life.

To come up with a perfect annivesary celebration has never been easy. Some says take it easy... a simple dinner and a movie will do the trick. Some says to make it grand, an expensive dinner and of course to shower her with lots of presents on that day. In the end, I've taken up a decision to do half of each.

I've opted to get a card and of course a couple rings to commemerate our 2nd Anniversary.

What I did was to ask her to go to bed without me first as I need to do some work as a preparation for work tomorrow. So she eventually dozed off without hesitation. I sprung the surprise and as she wake up that morning, she was taken by surprise instead that there's a ring and a card awaiting for her. Her expression was totally priceless. :-)

And as I get off from work that evening, I stopped over a flower shop to get a bouquet of flowers for her.

That bouquet of pink roses made her all smiles and happy.

We had a low profile dinner at the Little Cottage restaurant that was located along Burmah Road in the town area. You don't have to call in to make any table reservations as there's plenty of tables to go around most of the time.

Little Cottage Café
96-A , Jalan Burmah,10050
Tel:604-2286218 Fax:604-2274452

Now this place doesn't really need a lot of explanation as the theme of this place to give you a feel of how a cottage life would eventually feel. However, this restaurant do need a little bit of spring cleaning. Minor cobwebs as well as dusts are around its decoration.

I've ordered the Deep Fried Chicken in Mushroom Sauce.

My dear ordered Hawaiian Chicken... a little spicy, not too much to her liking though.

The sets came with a soup and a bun as starters.

And of course, there's dessert with coffee or tea after the meal.

A glass of fruit punch to share. Looks rather colouful...

I've ordered an extra slice of Tiramisu for desserts to share and it tastes quite good to be honest. The cake texture has to be right as a perfect Tiramisu must not be too moist and not too dry, and this one has what to brand itself as a good slice of Tiramisu. This place doesn't cost us that much... with the meals we've ordered, it costs a round figure of RM70. Worth a try for those who are braving for something new.

A little memory of the couple rings that I've bought. It fits perfectly through to her little fingers...

A picture of myself...

And her as well for the night as she did put on an extra effort for the makeup.

You don't have to do much to impress someone. All you got to do is to do the right things at the right time. And I hope that my dear did have a good time with me that night. Perhaps next year's anniversary will be much better? Who knows???


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