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2010 Top 10 Things To Accomplish

People would normally say that you won't be able to accomplish much when you have a New Year resolution being planned out. Guess what folks? I'm challenging myself to see if I eventually could get all these done for the year 2010. And I've created a TOP 10 list that may guide me and to constantly remind me what I needed to achieve for this year.

10. Get myself promoted. I really need a raise from this promotion or I think it's about time for me to move on.

9. Rekindle my friendship with most of my long lost friend. It's tough... but it'll worth a shot.

8. Watch Spain and England at the World Cup 2010 live from South Africa with family and friends.

7. Get a side-income job. If I need to fulfill my desire for a better life, I need to work hard and earn a bit more. Now... who's wants to hire for some help?

6. I need to save! I mean a whole lot for god-knows-what-will-happen situation when I needed it.
5. Hit a 100 posts target for this year! Previous year posts were 92. GAMBATEH!!!

4. Lose weight! My current company are feeding its employees like feeding farm cows! Time for me to hit the gym. I need to lose at least 10 kilos.

3. Study another language if possible. I've been trying out to learn Spanish with my dear. Let's see if I could improve then.

2. Treat my dear better than ever. She meant the world to me.

1. Get myself a brand new home... if there's any left on this island. Any financial help will be really appreciated. Haha!

I guess that's all I could scribble down here and I got to stick to it from today onwards. Or perhaps I can always stick to this doggy philosophy.


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