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The Toast Place

About 2 weeks ago, I went with my dear to Johore to celebrate her mom's birthday. We managed to discover something new over there thanks to her little sisters recommendations. What I remembered was there's a good mamak place to hang out at night which serves great Maggie Mee Goreng and also very well made Roti Canai. I didn't have my camera at that time so... I will try to give a better coverage of the mentioned place when I return to Johore again.

Anyway, there's another new place that serves great toasts in the morning. It's located around Taman Mount Austin, the shop lots in front of the Sunway College. It's called The Toast. Now there's so many Old Town's, Papa Rich's, unknown cafes, yada yada... what's nice about this place anyway? Many would think that it's just another place to eat just like any other cafe serves. I totally agree! But I have to give this place a try because my dear's little sister recommends it. Being a Penangite, people from this side of town are very particular about their food and I am one of them.

The place were packed with people for breakfast. It's quite obvious that many will horde this place because it's located nearby a college, a busy housing area and banks! It's beginning of the month, who wouldn't go to the bank to pay off debts? Back to the subject, The Toast offers a variety of toasted breads for you to choose. And this is what we've chose...

The Kaya Butter Toast is very very crunchy and it's made from the normal, conventional white bread. Not Gardenia, but those home made types. My dear compliments this as it's one of the best toast breads she has ever tasted and she would say that Papa Rich can step down from the toast bread business.

The problem with having such a big crowd is that you will have many used plates unwashed. To counter the rising problems, they will have to share 2 items under one plate. The next order came and it's the Egg-Mayo Sandwich and also the Kaya toast. For me, it's rather ungenerous of them to simply splash the kaya over the bread that is being lathered with a thin layer of butter. I would prefer the entire piece of bread lathered thickly with kaya and that's what you really call Kaya toast. There's no Egg-Mayo sandwiches served elsewhere, I guess this is one good piece of sandwich because the crunchiness of the bread.

The last order will be the Ham Cheese French Toast. What am I suppose to say about it other than I would prefer a peanut butter French Toast than this? Next time, I would really leave Ham Cheese on toasted bread only, never on a French Toast.

I've yet to taste the fried beehoon and the nasi lemak in particular when I looked all the other tables, people are enjoying their hot plates of the items I mentioned. Never the less, the Kaya Butter toast is something worth returning for and I am only giving this place a rating of 5 out of 10 for that reason.

That Little Wine Bar

After a good long absence from my blog, I've finally made up my mind to write my blog again. Whenever I came to look at my blog, I felt sorry for it that I've been total slack and lazy to write. What goals I have made in the beginning of the year about posting more blog posting here is simply rubbish if I don't start writing it again.

To start off with the things that I have missed out, I would like to introduce a new place that I've discovered with my family lately. It's called the That Little Wine Bar.

It is situated at 54, Jalan Chow Thye. If you do not know where it is, the place is located behind the Gleneagles Medical Center. For those who really knows how to enjoys wine tasting and the scene of wine drinking environment, this is the place I would really recommend.

Please take note that this place is NOT OPEN on Sundays and do call in to make table reservations on the weekends. It does not guarantee a place if you walk in.

Most of the customers that visited the place looked rather informal, relaxed and indulged in good food and great wines that's hand picked by the chef himself. The chef has received a few awards for his participation in events that made him one of the well known chefs that's available in Penang. According to my sister, Chef Tommes was previously based in Shanghai and my sister did ask him the reason why he came to Penang? His answer was pretty simple... "So that I could see the sky". He made a pretty good point... Hmm!

The atmosphere around the restaurant is very cozy and what I liked about the place is that it offers relaxed environment to the visiting patrons. Even the waiters are very attentive and friendly, giving good advice about the choices of wine or food that you might want to try.

The wine cellar is located in the middle of the building where you can take a look on the variety of wines that they have to offer there.

I made 2 visits to that place so far and tasted a variety of wine that they have to offer. The house will recommend the Torres Viña Esmeralda from Spain, which is a fruity, fresh and lively white wine that you will truly enjoy. I enjoyed this wine as it's very fresh and crisp. We've also ordered Viña Sol from Spain and Welschriesling Selection from Austria over the course of 2 visits. None the less, I've enjoyed the Torres Viña the most.

For the food, the variety that the restaurant has to offer is never a let down. Although the price may be a bit shocking and the portion maybe small, but if you offer your mouth to taste the food the chef have personally created, I can tell you that every little penny that you spend for it is well worth it.

My personal favourite, the 3 Salmon Tartare which consists of smoked, poached and fresh salmon.

The Ham and Mushroom Pizza.

Seno di Pollo, known as the rolled chicken breast with spinach and parmesan stuffing.

The Black and White Sesame Seared Tuna.

Salade Nicoise which consists tuna, boiled egg, potato, cherry tomato and a generous lot of lettuce.

The all time traditional French Onion Soup served with baked cheese croustillades.

The Duck breast à l'orange.

The Croque Monsieur. Packed with Ham, grilled cheese in sourdough bread.

For desserts, you have got to try the Warm Apple Filo Pillow. It's Apple Pillows served with macadamia ice cream. It totally melts me off.

I guess I don't have to say much of the New York Cheesecake.

And the deliciously light and airy Chocolate Cake.

I'm giving this place a rating of 9 out of 10. Great food. Great wine. Great atmosphere. Great service. A bit pricey but for all the greatness that I mentioned, it's every penny well spent.

My Family Potrait 2010 (Part 2)

As promised, here's more of the pictures that was taken from the family photoshoot from the botanical gardens.

Another change of scene as we hit the open fields.

Our individual shots.

Pushing them to the top of the little hill.

The salute!

The 30th sign couple shoots.

The final jump shot.

Thank you for viewing. Hope that you enjoyed the photos as much as my family and I enjoyed taking them.

My Family Potrait 2010 (Part 1)

A few weeks back, mom and dad had their 30th wedding anniversary and it was celebrated with style. However, I am not here to make coverage on what happened on the night of the event. My posting this time around is to mention about the family potrait session that held on the morning of my parents anniversary event. The whole ordeal was done at the Botanical Gardens, Penang. I thought that the place will be packed in the morning that it will be rather impossible for us to even take any decent pictures... but I was wrong.

The crazy bunch of photographers turned the crowd invisible with their skills as we posed ourselves... well... we didn't really pose but they do have their way to make us enjoy ourselves that very morning of photoshoot. I guess no words can describe what really happened, so I'll just let my fellow readers enjoy the photos instead.

We had a few test shots... never knew it would turn out to be so good.

A few Kung Fu moves as we watched how the ladies did their morning Tai Chi.

We did the London Bridge.

We also did the Ring Around The Pony.

A change of scene...

I will add more pictures on the next post. Thank you for viewing. :-)