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My Family Potrait 2010 (Part 1)

A few weeks back, mom and dad had their 30th wedding anniversary and it was celebrated with style. However, I am not here to make coverage on what happened on the night of the event. My posting this time around is to mention about the family potrait session that held on the morning of my parents anniversary event. The whole ordeal was done at the Botanical Gardens, Penang. I thought that the place will be packed in the morning that it will be rather impossible for us to even take any decent pictures... but I was wrong.

The crazy bunch of photographers turned the crowd invisible with their skills as we posed ourselves... well... we didn't really pose but they do have their way to make us enjoy ourselves that very morning of photoshoot. I guess no words can describe what really happened, so I'll just let my fellow readers enjoy the photos instead.

We had a few test shots... never knew it would turn out to be so good.

A few Kung Fu moves as we watched how the ladies did their morning Tai Chi.

We did the London Bridge.

We also did the Ring Around The Pony.

A change of scene...

I will add more pictures on the next post. Thank you for viewing. :-)


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