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The Toast Place

About 2 weeks ago, I went with my dear to Johore to celebrate her mom's birthday. We managed to discover something new over there thanks to her little sisters recommendations. What I remembered was there's a good mamak place to hang out at night which serves great Maggie Mee Goreng and also very well made Roti Canai. I didn't have my camera at that time so... I will try to give a better coverage of the mentioned place when I return to Johore again.

Anyway, there's another new place that serves great toasts in the morning. It's located around Taman Mount Austin, the shop lots in front of the Sunway College. It's called The Toast. Now there's so many Old Town's, Papa Rich's, unknown cafes, yada yada... what's nice about this place anyway? Many would think that it's just another place to eat just like any other cafe serves. I totally agree! But I have to give this place a try because my dear's little sister recommends it. Being a Penangite, people from this side of town are very particular about their food and I am one of them.

The place were packed with people for breakfast. It's quite obvious that many will horde this place because it's located nearby a college, a busy housing area and banks! It's beginning of the month, who wouldn't go to the bank to pay off debts? Back to the subject, The Toast offers a variety of toasted breads for you to choose. And this is what we've chose...

The Kaya Butter Toast is very very crunchy and it's made from the normal, conventional white bread. Not Gardenia, but those home made types. My dear compliments this as it's one of the best toast breads she has ever tasted and she would say that Papa Rich can step down from the toast bread business.

The problem with having such a big crowd is that you will have many used plates unwashed. To counter the rising problems, they will have to share 2 items under one plate. The next order came and it's the Egg-Mayo Sandwich and also the Kaya toast. For me, it's rather ungenerous of them to simply splash the kaya over the bread that is being lathered with a thin layer of butter. I would prefer the entire piece of bread lathered thickly with kaya and that's what you really call Kaya toast. There's no Egg-Mayo sandwiches served elsewhere, I guess this is one good piece of sandwich because the crunchiness of the bread.

The last order will be the Ham Cheese French Toast. What am I suppose to say about it other than I would prefer a peanut butter French Toast than this? Next time, I would really leave Ham Cheese on toasted bread only, never on a French Toast.

I've yet to taste the fried beehoon and the nasi lemak in particular when I looked all the other tables, people are enjoying their hot plates of the items I mentioned. Never the less, the Kaya Butter toast is something worth returning for and I am only giving this place a rating of 5 out of 10 for that reason.


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