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My Promised Return To Kuching

If my fellow bloggers remembered, I made posts back in September for my very short visit to Kuching. As promised, I did return to Kuching again on the 30th October for a 4 day visit this time around. As for this trip, without any hesitation, I went to quite a number of places and I've spent every single minute there very very relaxed.

Well, my ride to Kuching looks rather solid... however more incident ensues.

Another shot taken before we jet off to the air.

The view from the air... it just looks heavenly over the evening sky.

The flight was smooth on the first half of the flight.

As we approach Kuching, the flight went through a bumpy session due to heavy rain and thunderstorm outside. As if the bumpy ride was not enough, the plane suddenly dipped. It repeated like a few times and that causes a few passengers to eventually scream. The air hostess were seen hanging onto the chair itself. The pilot never made an announcement to apologise to the passengers. Bad service from the pilots.

We touched down into Kuching around 9pm, Aunt Tsai came to pick us up. We headed to Hui Sing Garden for a round of Tomato Koay Teow before heading to Uncle Thomas's home as the night was still early when we are done with our meal. Mom and uncle had a long good chat over a cup of hotly brewed coffee while me and Aunt Tsai were having droopy faces. It was a cold and rainy night. By the time we reach Aunt Tsai's home, it was almost midnight.

My Saturday starts off with a bowl of very hot laksa at Aunt Chai's coffee shop... and of course a bowl of Sarawak Laksa is not going to fill me up.

I also had an egg tart too as it looks very very scrumptious.

After a very long and hard discussion with my mom upon what to do for the day, we've decided to go to Kampung Beliong's newly built chinese temple. Before that we had to stop over to pick up Uncle Thomas.

These fireants eventually build a bridge to cross from one fence to the other, picture taken in front of Uncle Thomas's home.

I guess that I will make my next post to highlight my visit to Kampung Beliong as I believe that the post will be filled with pictures. I'm rather thrill to share it with my fellow readers on my visit. So do come back and visit soon as I will post my next entry for the visit.


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