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The Announcement

This is the post that I have owed my fellow readers, a promise made to reveal the so called "Announcement" for the upcoming weeks events. Well, I am no where near of getting married yet because me and my dear are still half way there financially. I am not resigning my job either as the market out there are extremely bad.

So what is this so called big annoucement is all about? I am going to the land of the sun or commonly known as Japan.

I've been wanting to go to that place ever since I've missed out the opportunity back in 2007 and now the window of opportunity reopens... there's no way in hell I am going to miss this one out. I will not reveal much of the trip as most of the days has yet being planned out. The destination is Sapporo and also Tokyo. The duration will be 10 days long (much to my dears agony for me to be away for this long), so during the next couple of days I may or maybe not able to blog. Now that will be the surprise. Do check back couple of days to see if there's a miracle that happens while I am in Japan.


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