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Malaysian Politics On The Lighter Note

I've found something on youtube back a few months ago something that could cause laughter to the locals if they heard this song. With fresh by-elections happening next Tuesday (7th April 2009), its great to put something up about the local politics once in a while.

Malaysia 2008 elections really brought a new zest of life to the country. The main stream Malaysian government party, the Barisan National, which consists of major parties like UMNO, MIC, MCA and a few other smaller parties were rocked to its foundation when they took a heavy beating, losing at least 6 out of the 14 states. From this itself, a lot of MIC and MCA party figureheads lost their seats to the opposition which resulting humilation to themselves as they always thought that their seats are safe and the society are happy with what they have done for them.

Malaysian politics were not being spared as well from getting the public caning, turning it into a joke (which is still acceptable or else, those who made fun of it would have been under the ISA-Internal Security Act; already). Here it is... the video.

Do try to sing along as I find it entertaining and it's really funny. Haha! I've managed to copy down the lyrics as well.

China man, who become Ali Baba man;
With UMNO man, who get bumi putra plan;
The work the Indian man;
He sub illegal immigrant;
And everybody's happy.

So the China man, from the opposition;
Take over government, and cause the frustration;
And now the UMNO man, With the contract in hand;
He turn around, to Ali Baba and said,"What lah! Man how can this happen, tell me."

Why MCA?
How can you loose your seat now
Why MCA???
You know election has come;
You should have pay more up front;
Now we all bang balls, opposition has won.

So Chai, So Now, So How;
So Why MCA?
So Chai, So Now, So How;
So Why MCA?
Last time its Mao Tah Teng, With Ong Ka Ting;
Now all got open tender how to Kao Tim?

So Chai, So Now, So How
So Bye MCA!
So Chai, So Now, So How
You Lie MCA!
You say that transparency, will lead to bankruptcy;
Chinese got straight hair, how much straighter can we be?

We are the ones who started HALAL money;
We are the trusted nominated proxies;
Say you we change policies;
Tell people don't see the KERIS;
Let Ali Baba do his business and his deals.

So Chai, So Now, that's how you Lie MCA!
So Chai, So Now, if not you Die MCA!
So Chai, So Now, so that is Why MCA!
So Chai, So Now, you have to Cry MCA!

So Chai, So Now, that's how you Lie MCA!
So Chai, So Now, if not youDie MCA!
So Chai, So Now, so that is Why MCA!
So Chai, So Now, you have toTry MCA!


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