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Mending Up

Hello my fellow readers... I am extremely sorry for posting my blogs rather late lately. There has been lots for me to catch up upon once I got back to Penang. There's work, my dear, my home, my friends, issues here and there. After settling down, time for me to catch up with my blog again. There's just so much to write, I wonder if it's OK to even missed out what's going with life back in the tiny island of Penang? Malaysian politics has nothing for me to write about, the world has Swine Flu to go worry about while life at work hasn't been turning too great lately and as for my dear, she has been very extremely anxious in looking for a brand new job... of course with a little of my help here and there. Hehe!

Enough rambling about what's going on with me as I am stranded back on this tiny island once again, time for me to get back to the main core subject which will be my travels to the land of the rising sun. Alrighty!!! There's plenty for me to catch up and to start things off and I presume that everyone has been anticipating on the upcoming blogs that I am about to reveal for the next couple of week or so. To make it clear to everyone about the places that I have been, here's the travel itinerary that I've wrote down so that everyone is kind of clear the destinations of the places that I have been.

I've made some adjustments to the blog posts that I have posted earlier, so that everyone can get a clear view of the things that I have done and places that I have been going according to the travel itinerary above. The changes I've made... I'll start by pushing to the front the Hong Kong post that I've posted earlier to the top of this blog post and you should realize that the posts that I made on Sapporo earlier are no longer there. It'll be replaced with a long, picturistic post that I hope to complete soon. Hope everyone will check back everyday as I will try my best to recall the 10 travelling days being in Japan.


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