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Horror Movies That Went Wrong

Every Monday, is movie day review for my fellow readers to read. I've watched a few horror movies last weekend, just to kill time. It was rather a disappointment as per the title written. What's wrong with the horror movie's these days? Lost the entire plot of getting what people wanted to be scared of. Without further adieu, let me review the 2 movies that I have watched.

Name: Diary of the Dead
Language: English
Date of release: 20th September 2007 (USA)
Director: George A Romero
Starring: Debra Moynihan, Jason Creed, Tony Ravello, Tracy Thurman

The story basically tells about a group of students from University of Pittsburgh, who happens to be filming a cheap horror movie as a part of their final project ran into the day where a plaque were starting to spread like wild fire. Plaque? What plaque? A plaque where dead things will come back to life (Zombies if you don't know what I've been trying to say). While filming, they heard on the news that the dead are awaking and walking. Scared for their life, Ridley and Francine left the group of 9 people to head home, while Jason (not me... its THE Jason in the movie) rushes off to the dormitory to rescue his girlfriend, Debra. Debra has been frantically trying to reach out to her family via her cellphone but to no avail. Debra wanted to go back to her hometown in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Their road trip back home proves to be bloody and deadly as they discover the dead are really back alive, walking down the roads and feeding off whatever living creatures that lives.

This movie was really a head spinner to be honest. Another Cloverfield movie. Spinning camera here and there, losing its main focus of a real zombie movie like what Romero has been very good about all the while (Dawn of the Dead and Land of the Dead). The movie focusses on the people that surrounds the camera man rather than what's really happening around it. The story line was very very lame in comparison to Dawn of the Dead, and the ending does not end with a big bang; so by locking yourselves into a safety chamber and let the dead continue to walk the face of the earth. I am really disappointed with this movie. I've wasted Saturday evening for this. Give me back my Saturday evening Mr Romero.

Rating: 3 out of 10 stars

Let's move on to the next movie...

Name: Rule #1
Language: Cantonese
Date of release: 4th September 2008 (Hong Kong)
Director: Kelvin Tong
Starring: Shawn Yue, Ekin Cheng, Fiona Xie, Stephanie Che

The story basically tells about a police officer by the name of Lee, was gunned down by a serious criminal/rapist after stopping the person from attempting to flee the scene after murdering a student. In the process, the student whom were dead, came back to life to gave officer Lee a fighting chance to kill the criminal before passing out. After relaying his encounter to his superior, Lee were then been shuffled to the orphaned Miscellaneous Affairs Department; where all other cases that no other departments can/will accept, this department will handle... the paranormal. Inspector Wong, Lee's new reporting superior officer, informs Lee that their job is to uphold Rule #1 - "There are no ghosts in this world", even as they put their lives in danger to hunt down the ghost responsible for a series of deaths. Most ghosts remained harmless to Lee and Wong, however, there's 1 that's so powerful and vengeful, a spirit that spread like virus to all humans they touch are out there get Lee and Wong to settle an old score.

This movie is something worth a watch. The story line are properly introduced, lining up Shawn Yue to reveal and understand more of the paranomal as soon as he joins the Misc Affairs Dept (Did you notice that the short form of the department itself is called MAD?) It feels like watching Sixth Sense again, add a little twist to the plot and you will get a very entertaining and horrific movie to watch. It did scare me on a few occassion, for example, Shawn and Ekin has to investigate the room of an elderly lady who passed away not long ago. As Shawn searches the room for clues, the old lady suddenly appears in the rickety chair of hers (writing these still gaves me the goosebumps). The ending wasn't that entirely great which kills the story. You will have to watch this to understand why as I don't want to reveal too much here on its ending... it'll really kill the movie if I did.

Rating: 6 out of 10 stars


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