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Cherudim Gundam

I've spend my weekends couped up at home most of the time during the day, and gone out to enjoy yummy stuffs at night. Sounds funny isn't it? Well, life is very much the same everyday during the weekends. Either the TV or the housework, nothing much to do basically. Sometimes on the phone with my dear, sometimes sleep. So to eventually kill boredom, the only way to kill the weekend time is to go and blog, or to indulge myself into my hobby... building Gundam models.

This is the mess I will eventually create at the dining hall once I begin work. My parents will normally be naggy when I made a mess at the dining hall. To me, messy or not, once everything is settled, cleaning up is a must. Who wants to leave a pile of mess right? Anyway, this is the posting for my weekend build.

GN-002 or known as Gundam Cherudim. Gundam Dynames successor, which like the Dynames can use a Sniper Mode, by exposing a forehead scope used specifically with a rifle-like control device within the cockpit. The cockpit also contains a customized dock for Lockon's orange Haro.

The Cherudim is equipped with a dedicated precision targeting camera located in its head, above the V-Fin, similar to Dynames. In addition, during Trans-Am it deploys a HoloScreen, a targeting unit stored in the backpack which is used to boost Cherudim's accuracy by increasing the speed at which it processes targeting information.

The Cherudim's primary armament is its GN Sniper Rifle II, which is stored on the right shoulder. Folded in half for storage, it can be used in this configuration as a short-to-medium-range three-barrel Vulcan gun. Its other main weapons are its GN Beam Pistol IIs stored in its backpack. Unlike the Dynames, the Cherudim is not equipped with Beam Sabers. However, The GN Beam Pistol II can serve as its melee weapon, sporting an anti-beam coating capable of blocking enemy beam sabers and can be used as an axe. The 4 GN Micro Missile Pods that make up the front skirt armor house 8 GN Micro Missiles that are identical to those used by the 0 Raiser.

Finally, the Cherudim is equipped with the Shield Bit system which allows all nine GN Shield Bits, two of which are mounted to the left shoulder as a shield, another two on the knees and the others mounted around the GN Drive on its rear waist to be remotely controlled and used for defensive purposes, though they also store a beam gun for offense as well similar to the Throne-Zwei's GN Fangs. Four Shield Bits can combine into one in order to emit a more powerful beam. The name of this unit could have been derived from the word "Cherubim", an angel with four wings, possibly a reference to the four weapons in Cherudim's arsenal


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