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Freedom Of Speech?

The picture above are headlines on The Star newspaper yesterday. Look at this... you call this a free country that has freedom of speech? This is what they will do to you for speaking way too much or speaking something that you were not suppose to in the first place. Either you will end up in detention under the ISA (Internal Security Act) or you'll be sued in the court for improper speech or maybe both, if you've said the darnest of things at someone or something. Most of the cases that happens here in Malaysia, where Freedom of Speech comes to debate involves in hurling insults at someone that has higher ranking or insulting one's religion.

Wikipedia quotes "Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to denote not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are closely related to, yet distinct from, the concept of freedom of thought or freedom of conscience."

Remember, this is Malaysia, not the United States of America or England for god sakes. We don't live in a country where you can spat or make fun on the President or the King/Queen. ISA will be hot on your heels if you speak blindly for all these remarks as all this will eventually kill yourself. Azrin Md Zain, one of the 6 who were being charged, pleaded guilty to what he had said. However, before he was taken away, he did mention this "because Malaysians are sensitive". I can't agree more to what he says... I can't agree more.

Another highlight of the day... Oh yes! Manchester United got the thrashing by the simply unstoppable Liverpool. Fernando Torres (28th min), Steven Gerrard (44th min), Fabio Aurelio (77th min) and Andrea Dossena (90th min) tore through United's defence like a lion devouring its piece of meat. Dead meat to be exact. Now, the kops are back in the title contention. Watch out United, they are coming for ya! Haha!


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