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As I Rambles On And On And On...

I know some will not be entirely happy that I've blogged nothing about myself as of late. Life has pretty much being the same as usual. You sleep, you wake up, you go to work, you eat, head home after work, do some house chores and back to bed again. The vicious cycle of life... so dull, so boring. Yeah! I know it is. But hell, nothing changes unless I strike the grand prize on the monthly lottery.

For me, I've been living my life pretty much the same. My dear is not around with me, my closest friends are far enough to ignore me at times and my colleagues have their own families to go back home to. As for me, I've been going back to an empty home most of the time... sad isn't it? A guy like me to have everything he wants in the world but never to have a full family to go back home to. A nice warm meal that my mom will cook or someone like my dad to talk to or perhaps my sister and my little brother to tease and joke around with. People envy my family at times but they didn't know the truth that most of the time I live my life rather quiet and dull at home without having any of my family members around, sometimes for days, sometimes for weeks, it can go up to a month or two as well. Harsh realities of life does comes at a heavy price, for money can buy happiness... but the question is; how long can you buy out this happiness for?

Troubles mount here... there... everywhere! At work, some say that I am lucky enough to still have a job to work for. Yes! Thank god for that... but the dark side of being at work is this, can anyone stand the mounting pressure pushing from all directions as they expect you to give the best for them? 100% is not enough, they wanted blood... they wanted 101%. Need to be committed to this, need to have your word on that. There's just so much to complaint about work but things wouldn't change for the better overnight. I guess all I need is just a break from work. I really do... and I am not getting it yet. Perhaps I am just on the verge of breaking myself into pieces and I can foresee that I will be... sooner or later. Time will tell.


Anonymous said...

Jz to share a quote,

Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

So be sure to know where ur butterfly is all the time..cheers. :) J

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