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A Place That's Not So North

2009 Chinese New Year, the year of the Ox. Temperature of 4c to 12c, minor wind breeze... Perfect! It's a perfect Chinese New Year. Oh! Where am I refering to?


It's my very first time celebrated Chinese New Year in Hong Kong and never had an opportunity to be there back then. I've been there for the summer weather to winter Christmas but never for Chinese New Year. I really liked the idea when my dad wants the family to celebrate Chinese New Year this year in Hong Kong (the whole reason being is because he had to work on the 2nd day). I left for Hong Kong on the 23-Jan-09 (Friday) to avoid the sudden surge of people going to Hong Kong, most of the time merry makers and holiday makers. Although its fun to be in Hong Kong for Chinese New Year with all the weather and stuff, I've never liked the idea of my mom's sister to join us (Before I forgot, she basically thrashed every single picturistic moment if I passed the camera to her). Part of the Chinese New Year holiday ruined and rubbished by her curiosity. She tends to ask questions even a 5 year old kid would know the answers.

So what's being done this time? Not much...

We were at Disneyland Hong Kong from morning to evening on Chinese New Year eve. (Oh! It's my 3rd visit to Disney so far... Hehe!)

We also take a stroll along Flower Market Street in Prince Edward, Mongkok a few hours before Chinese New Year rings in. The area's super crowded.

Went all the way to Fanling for Chinese New Year prayers.

Not to miss out, SHOPPING!!! For myself...

And also for my dear...

Lots of yummy food obviously...

2nd day of the Chinese New Year fireworks show at Victoria Harbour...

To enjoy the Hong Kong scenery...

And to wrap it off for my Hong Kong tour, a video that I saw on the train while I am on the way to Fanling for my prayers. This is an incident of what happened in Wong Tai Sin temple on the first day of Chinese New Year. Some funny clips ensues... trust me...


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